Social, Cultural, Demographic and Natural Environment Variables
Childbearing rate in Colombia

This entry gives a figure for the average number of children that would be born per woman if all women lived to the end of their childbearing years and bore children according to a given fertility rate at each age. The total fertility rate (TFR) is a more direct measure of the level of fertility than the crude birth rate, since it refers to births per woman. This indicator shows the potential for population change in the country. A rate of two children per woman is considered the replacement rate for a population, resulting in relative stability in terms of total numbers. Rates above two children indicate populations growing in size and whose median age is declining. Higher rates may also indicate difficulties for families, in some situations, to feed and educate their children and for women to enter the labor force. Rates below two children indicate populations decreasing in size and growing older. Global fertility rates are in general decline and this trend is most pronounced in industrialized countries, especially Western Europe, where populations are projected to decline dramatically over the next 50 years. 2014
Number of special interest groups
Dissemination and multiplication: Using the concept of the right and / or material Happiness Strategy Products, advertising campaigns, Internal and External Communications in Enterprises, in order that messages ICBF reach the Mayor, number of Colombians.
Festival of Joy: Sponsorship of entertainment, recreational and sports activities throughout the country, for Boys and Girls Protection Program ICBF. Business decide which initiatives can participate with their support.
Happy Moments Happy Children: A group of employees of the company presents itself as Volunteers give today for all the children who are in institutions for protection and also provide professional v Time and affection; Improve and / or adapt the physical facilities of the selected institution; Perform recreational recreational activities, training in talent, skills, competencies, career counseling, among others, and give today organizing activities throughout ICBF For Children.
Home Friend: From the Life Project Management Strategy for Youth Protection Under ICBF is supported, in order to count on skills and tools for their development and professional staff.
Companies with Welfare: Description of activities: training by the ICBF, one employees and their respective compensation funds on issues related links and Coexistence, roles and relationships, sexual and reproductive rights, family and citizenship, Habits and styles vidasaludables;THESE according to the needs of its employees customers, suppliers and communities Impact.
Number of divorces
The Superintendent of Notaries and Registration, Jorge Enrique Velez, Revelo statistics measured the behavior of marriages and divorces during the 2014. Officer, said January last November, civil marriages and divorces in Colombia increased 1.77 and 0.49 percent, respectively, if and when compared to the same period of 2013 m. For cities, the Superintendent reported that notaries of Bogota 10,300 civil marriages and 4,322 divorces were registered. According to Super, in proportion, for every divorce is recorded, 2.3 Civil Marriages also escrituran ALTHOUGH Bogotá is the city in which more civil marriages are logged, this event was a negative variation Putting up 151, it is feasible in the capital in the country decreased by 2.3 percent in number of bonds held notaries . In Cali meanwhile, fewer marriages and divorces Title deeds, with declines of 6.64 and 0.45, respectively. In Medellin, the paisas married and Down divorced; The dissolution of unions in the city decreased by 26.28 per cent; Marriage is feasible Less 217 which is the same period of 2013 m. Meanwhile, civil marriages increased 7.79 percent of the United Nations in the capital of Antioquia. According to the official, also they draw attention cities like Manizales, Where fell Both Marriage with 14.26 percent as divorce, with 11.11 percent and Cities As Popayan, Santa Marta, Riohacha and Tunja, where the number of unions grew considerably.
Against the behavior of marriages and divorces in the country, Jorge Enrique Velez explained that these tend a During decrease in January, with a tendency fa grow all year, with the Highest Peak In December, where if you plan UN increase of 1.5 percent compared to December last year and record Possible UN Over 1,650 divorces. According to statistics from the Bank, the departments where fewer joints couple 5 Were Guainía, Vaupés and Amazonas with 7 to 29 were recorded; The record marked in Antioquia (7,617), Valle (7,071) and Santander (3,270). As for divorce, in the department of Vaupés it is none there, while in 2013 alone one was conducted. Were Guainía 2, Amazonas 3 and EN 14 Guaviare. The figure Highest divorce occurred in Bogotá, with 4,322; They were followed by the cities of Cali, with 1,536 solutions to joint Medellin Barranquilla 690 and 619 divorces scammers.
Number of Births

Number of Deaths
This entry gives the average annual number of deaths during a year per 1,000 population at midyear; also known as crude death rate. The death rate, while only a rough indicator of the mortality situation in a country, accurately indicates the current mortality impact on population growth. This indicator is significantly affected by age distribution, and most countries will eventually show a rise in the overall death rate, in spite of continued decline in mortality at all ages, as declining fertility results in an aging population.

Inmigration and emigration rates in Colombia
This entry includes the figure for the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during the year per 1,000 persons (based on midyear population). An excess of persons entering the country is referred to as net immigration (e.g., 3.56 migrants/1,000 population); an excess of persons leaving the country as net emigration (e.g., -9.26 migrants/1,000 population). The net migration rate indicates the contribution of migration to the overall level of population change. High levels of migration can cause problems such as increasing unemployment and potential ethnic strife (if people are coming in) or a reduction in the labor force, perhaps in certain key sectors (if people are leaving).

Social security programs
The ABC of social protection system . Its content is developed in two parts: - The first presents the basics and general concepts - The second part moves in the current regulations . The specific regulations (laws , decrees and regulations) for each service or component Social protection must be considered and consulted directly by the people . Progress in achieving an inclusive Colombia transcends the government and even the state. Involves the whole society. It requires the decision of every citizen to know, exercise and fulfill their rights and duties.
Life expectancy at birth in colombia
This entry contains the average number of years of life for a group of people born in the same year , if mortality at each age remains constant in the future . The entry includes total population as well as the male and female components. Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality rate for all ages . It can also be thought of as indicating the potential rate of return investment in human capital and is necessary for the calculation of various actuarial measures .

Consumer habits in Colombian households have changed dramatically in recent years; factors that regulate it are linked to the adoption of a new lifestyle, which seeks a healthier and easy to prepare food, and the rise in the prices of some products. fruits-and-vegetables Photo: Author: (miramb) The trend of consumption in a more healthy diet, in many cases organic generates a challenge for agriculture in the country, who is forced to implement strategies that allow you to host this new niche sector. The potato is one of the foods most affected by this new trend, Colombian households have reduced consumption significantly tuber. According to the Colombian Federation of Potato Producers (Fedepapa), "there is a significant drop 24 pounds per person per year." The main reason for the low consumption of potatoes is due to the belief that it's a fattening food, ie, changing lifestyle among the Colombian population is a factor that highly influences.
One strategy being implemented by the agro industry recently is the creation of organic farms where food free of chemicals and synthetic fertilizers are grown in all production processes, a commitment to the environment and the health of consumers. Moreover, in addition to hosting the population healthy lifestyle, there is also a top consuming ever more highly processed foods. The lack of time many members of Colombian families, resulting in consumption of canned goods and convenience foods, which in many cases can look healthy but have additives and industrial processes.
Fenalco, the guild of merchants, defined trends governing consumer by 2016. According to chief economist, Rafael Spain, one of which is the careful consumption, which is the intention of the buyer to make purchases of products and brands who care about their environment and to mitigate any negative impact on the environment. Other trends mentioned by Fenalco corresponds to health as an obsessive theme, which results in costs not only in food, but in issues related to physical activity and beauty centers. It is expected that the demand for food grow healthy, dietary and organic, as well as the entire portfolio of functional foods industry developed. Other factors that generate behavioral change in Colombian households is the rise in the prices of some of the most important foods in the basket, due to the heat wave that has arisen in recent months. Clearly Colombian households embrace different trends in their tables, but is gaining more healthy lifestyle, particular subject that represents a challenge for the country's food distributors
Traffic congestion
Human mobility, a commitment to the citizen Bogotá. May 3, 2012. The great human mobility program presented in the Development Plan 2012-2016, puts the citizen at the heart rector of policy decisions and gives, mobility, the right category giving it an importance than ever before it has been given in a development plan. A law called to realize equity and contain the social, economic, spatial and cultural segregation. The main lines of the program give priority to pedestrians and cyclists as key players in the road and mass transit privilege on the matter, also it gives importance to the introduction of electricity in mass transit. On Integrated Transportation System it indicates that it will integrate intermodal urban, rural and regional networks of bike paths with the rail network, overhead wires and this is complemented by the promotion of more sustainable modes such as walking or riding a bike. Within the strategic projects of human mobility program are, of course, the components related to expansion, improvement and maintenance of road and pedestrian infrastructure. To do this, it is planned to invest a total of $ 2,133,944 million. For citizens provided a public transport service quality, equity, and environmentally sustainable, it is expected to build and integrate the network of heavy subway, light rail network and complemented by two lines of cable that will connect areas of the city inaccessible to the mass transit network. To these they must projected $ 8,845,000 million.
the two new Transmilenio along Avenida Boyacá be built. From the 17th northbound highway to I mass and Avenue 68. Since Tunal career goal to 100 street race 7. In it they will invest $ 2,280,000 million. an important intervention in road infrastructure in order to connect the access points of the city with the region, taking into account the areas of supply, will have logistics centers and commercial activity, an example is the southern section of the ALO Calle 13, Avenida San Jose
intersection with Cota and the intersection of Av. Cali Av. Manuel Cepeda Vargas. You only have projected an investment of 189,400 million. Another purpose of the administration is to promote non-motorized transport and pedestrian ciclousuarios looking to expand and optimize the network of bike paths and cycle stations through a public bike project, for which the projected budget is $ 238,268. Also the design of a strategy for the creation of safe pedestrian RAPS environmental networks giving priority to the most vulnerable and taking into account criteria such as the promotion of cultural identity and popular culture will take place. The projected budget for these networks is $ 1,153. 715 million. Other projects are contemplated within the human mobility program of the Development Plan are: congestion charges, intelligent transport system, integrated system of regional urban mobility SIMUR, parking system on track and civic culture.
Inner-city enviroment of Bogota
Official Definitions Related to Slums 3.1 Definitions and Predominant Uses Definitions of slums are vague in Bogotá, and there is not a clear division between the official and unofficial definitions. This may be due to the evolution and constant change that slums have undergone during the last four decades. Spontaneous settlements on the city margins started to appear during the first years of the accelerated urbanisation process, manifested as groups of shacks or provisional housing. These settlements were called “tugurios” (slums), and this word, along with its definition, started to appear in official documents. Even though nowadays everyone knows its meaning, the word is rarely used probably as a consequence of the city’s growth, which removed the unplanned settlements from the sight of the majority of the citizens. However the most commonly used terms are as follows: a) Slums in the Initial Stages in the Processes of Unplanned Urbanisation In the POT (abbreviation for the Spanish term meaning Plan for Territorial Organisation) the terms Informal Neighbourhoods (DAPD 2000: 10 Urban Slums Reports: The case of Bogotá, Colombia Un-planned settlement, neighborhood water supply site (1976) Nicolás Rueda Table 9: Population in Poverty in Slums 2001 Poverty Indicators/ Localidades Stratification Layer 1 Stratification Layer 2 NBI Misery NBI Poverty Total Population 2001 Santa Fe 3,389 72,690 3,497 18,593 107,051 Usme 66,433 182,528 14,444 62,044 251,325 Bosa 3,770 393,137 12,483 74,687 427,505 Ciudad Bolívar 279,286 288,095 44,099 159,461 600,393 Bogotá D.C. 445,852 2,378,901 167,636 893,515 6,496,455 Source: Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá (2001) 74), Subnormal Settlements (DAPD 2000: 111) and Settlements of Unknown Origin (DAPD 2000: 159) are included. The Co-ordinated Group for Housing Politics (2002) refers to them as Illegal Developments.
These words are synonyms and they can be defined as follows: “Urban settlements in which the occupation and development of the terrain occur without any plan and without the corresponding permits and licenses officially required.” (see Unidad Coordinadora de Política Habitacional 2002) Because of the lack of roads and public services and the provisional and inadequate status of the houses, living conditions in the resulting areas are extremely precarious. In the last few years the city government has decided to modify the policies and the programmes related to unplanned settlements. The intention of not using words whose connotations can be misinterpreted is perceived, with the aim of focussing on the situation of the affected communities, rather than the legal and technical problems of the unplanned settlements. Through the POT, the Programme for Integral Improvements for Neighbourhoods (DAPD 2000:347) has been established, replacing phrases such as “Eradication of Tugurios” (1960-1980) by “Slum upgrading Programmes” (1998-2000). b) Inner-City Slums In the middle of the 20th century, the central deteriorated sectors were mainly associated with tenement houses, defined by the Administrative Department for the District’s Planning, (DAPD in Spanish) (1997) as: ”...large houses occupied permanently by a number of families, in independent rooms, with collective sanitary services, kitchen and a laundry area...” (DAPD 1997: 66-68) During the sixties, central tenement houses played an important role in receiving immigrants just arrived in the city who were looking for temporary housing, moving later to marginal and unplanned settlements. Nowadays, tenement houses still exist, but their overuse has contributed to a reduction in their importance, as well as the development of a business of room renting in marginal houses, whose owners want to increase the family’s income.
Besides the tenement houses, in the traditional centre of the city there are numerous places that have suffered a high degree of physical and social damage (see chapter B.1b.). Although they have a limited importance in relation to the total area of the city, some of these areas have developed critical situations of poverty, drugs and delinquency. There is not a generally used official name for these sectors. The DAPD (1997) refers to them as “Social Deviation Zones”, “Tolerance Zones” or “Pots”, with the following definition: “Social deviation zones, tolerance zones or pots are the physical spaces of the cities inhabited mainly by human groups known to engage in delinquent behaviour, prostitution, or distribution and use of illegal drugs” (DAPD 1997: 68). It is exceptional to find these definitions in an official document, since traditionally some of them are not used officially
Trust in government
Corruption occurs at multiple levels of public administration. Graft scandals have emerged in recent years within an array of federal government agencies. In July 2014, former minister of agriculture Andrés Felipe Arias was found guilty on corruption.The government has made increasing efforts to ensure that the peace talks include access for a broad range of civic voices, including victims of the conflict. In 2014, victims attended negotiations in Cuba.
In spite of being the most trusted institution, only half of all respondents declare confidence in the Colombian Armed Forces, which indicates a dropping tendency when compared to 56% from April of last year. Among potential reasons behind such negative trend are the illegal wiretapping, corruption scandals, and proliferating sense of lack of security expressed by Colombians. Out of all security forces, the National Police received the lowest confidence rating.
Other institutions with the lowest social approval include the justice system, high courts and the Congress. According to the survey, 77% of Colombians believes the Justice system is not working towards the progress of the state. Another 73% express the lack of confidence in high courts and their role in the country.
Similarly low are the levels of trust in tribunals. The Supreme Court is viewed negatively by 60% of Colombians, while the Constitutional Court, which until a few years ago used to be one of the most respected institutions in the country, has a negative image among 57% of the respondents.
Worse even are the ratings of the legislative powers. The work of the Senate of Colombia is assessed unfavourably by 75% of those surveyed. Only 20% think differently. Little consolation provides the fact that over the last year the Senate has gained 2%-worth of support.
This can be very negative towards our business, because it demonstrates that the Colombian people, so not have a very high trust towards the organizations of the government itself, so getting the trust of the people taking into account these aspects will be challenging.
Attitudes toward government
In the last year, the perception that things are going the right direction in Colombia has increased from 40 to 45%. Similarly encouraging responses were generated by questions about the economic situation. The percentage of those thinking that the economy has improved grew from 34 to 41%. Reversely, those who think things have gotten worse are 7% less than last year.
When asked about the problems that affect the citizens the most, 35% replied “unemployment”, followed by 32% singling out the lack of security, 15% declaring corruption and 14% opting for high living costs. Surprisingly, only 11% mentioned the violence or lack of peace as the most worrisome factor in Colombia.
However, when grouping together different sub-categories, it becomes clear that security does represent the biggest problem in the eyes of the Colombian society.
The people in certain cases don’t have a positive attitude towards the government for certain reasons like corruption lack of believe in the justices system, or the same security system in the country. This can bring our business down.
Attitudes towards work
The labor market reflected positive results in Colombia’s healthy economy. The average annual unemployment rate in 2014 continued its downward trajectory to 9.1 percent. Colombia still has one of the highest unemployment rates in the region. About 64.2 percent of the population actively participates in the labor force. Forty-nine percent of the workforce was working in the informal economy at the end of 2013, according to the International Labor Organization. Colombia has abundant unskilled and semi-skilled labor throughout the country, as well as managerial-level employees who are often bilingual.
Most of the Colombians have a positive thinking towards jobs, because although the level percentage of unemployment has been lowering, getting a proper job is very difficult so the jobs in general are kind of sacred in the country.
Buying habits
Colombians are some of the most optimistic consumers when it comes to their personal finances compared to the other countries surveyed in the Global Lifestyle Monitor Survey.

Location of retailing ,manofacturing and service business

Although the two of the graphs are based on clothing this can give us the idea on where to shoot for the marketing issues, and the percentages on where to publish our adds, and where are they going to be more effective.
Ethical concerns
But Colombia is fundamentally an example of how development can be unethical. Millions have been displaced, thousands killed, tribes wiped out, all in the name of development. Development can be carried out with justice, respect and dignity for the poor. Or it can be carried out with violence, displacement and the suppression of human rights. Development indicators can be met with a focus on jobs and equality or, bypassing these, with patriarchal handouts and the delivery of basic services without affecting fundamental power relations.
Colombia may be one of the best examples of the complexities and contradictions of development in the modern world, but it is far from alone.
1.Value and respect each child or young person as an individual in his/her own right, in his/her role as a member of his/her family, and in his/her role as a member of the community s/he lives in;
2. Respect the relationship of the child or young person to his/her parents, his/her siblings, other members of his/her family and other significant persons, taking account of his/her natural ties and interdependent rights and responsibilities;
3. Facilitate the optimal growth and development of each individual child or young person to achieve his or her potential in all aspects of functioning;
4. Help each child or young person for whom he or she bears responsibility by preventing problems where possible, by offering protection where necessary, and by providing care and rehabilitation to counteract or resolve the problems faced;
5. Use information appropriately, respecting the privacy of children and young people, maintaining confidentiality where necessary, respecting the right of children and young people to be informed of matters concerning themselves, and avoiding the misuse of personal information;
6. Oppose at all times any form of discrimination, oppression or exploitation of children and young people, and preserve their rights;
7. Maintain personal and professional integrity, develop skills and knowledge in order to work with competence, work co-operatively with colleagues, monitor the quality of services, and contribute to the development of the service and of policy and thinking in the field of childcare.
All other standards expected of childcare workers stem from these seven clauses.
-We have to take into account the ethics concerns in the country and globally for our business, the global ones are going to be the essentials on the business and the other rules are for recognizing the issues of our current situation.
Attitudes towards saving

It can be seen that Colombians in general tend to save a lot of money, although most of it goes to expensive live style in a city la Bogota DC, also it can be seen that they are very cautious with the money, so they have to have an clear idea of what the service their going to have and make them think that they need it.
Attitudes towards investing
Market capitalization has risen from USD14 billion in 2003 to USD153 billion as of December 2014. Sound fiscal and macroeconomic management allowed Colombia to claim the triple crown of seeing its credit ratings increased to ‘Investment Grade’ level by Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch Ratings. Foreign investors are allowed to participate in capital markets by negotiating and acquiring shares, bonds, and other securities listed by the Foreign Investment Statute. These activities must be conducted via a local administrator, which can be a trust company or a stock brokerage firm that has been authorized to do so by the Financial Superintendent (Superintendencia Financiera). The market has sufficient liquidity for investors to enter and exit sizeable positions. Following the crisis of 1998-99, bailouts for failing banks were partially financed through a controversial tax on financial transactions. The tax was originally set at 0.2 percent but has since been increased to 0.4 percent. The tax on financial transactions is applied to all withdrawals from checking and savings accounts, including accounts with the Central Bank.

Colombia is on a upstream towards investing not only by the locals as a hole, but also the FDI has been on the increase, which could bring us an advantage on finding and investor and promoting our idea. The people are also investing outside of the country this is a good sign.
Sex roles
Colombian society adopted a culture in which men occupy a dominant role within the household as breadwinner and disciplinarian and assume responsibility for maintaining family pride and position within the community. The role of machismo is an important characteristic of public life. Machismo is not synonymous with strict male dominance—it applies to the public personification of the male family head. But with more women holding higher-paying jobs and occupying prominent positions in society, the role of machismo is now less dominant in urban centres but is still evident in rural regions. Machismo defines a woman's role as a mother in addition to her conjugal role. The traditional male-female relationship assumes that the woman puts her husband's wishes before her own. She is responsible for the care of the children and household, but the husband makes decisions about the household's basic necessities.
Although many things have changed in the sex roles in Colombia, this country still is ruled by the machismo, giving the idea, that our employees being babysitters will be women.
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Racial equality
White people continue to dominate the upper class, while mestizos and mulattoes constitute the middle and lower classes. Blacks and Indians make up a significant portion of the lower class. Historically, blacks felt socially superior to Indians despite the fact that Indians occupied an officially higher position in society.
January 2010, the United States and Colombia signed the U.S.-Colombia Action Plan on Racial and Ethnic Equality (CAPREE). CAPREE recognizes ethnic and racial diversity as a crucial element in the development of democratic and multicultural societies. Our joint efforts focus on sharing best practices and implementing programs addressing social barriers affecting people of African descent and indigenous communities in both countries, and promoting mutually-beneficial solutions to the challenges of racial and ethnic discrimination.
As seen before, although the country of the USA and Colombia made a treaty against racial discrimination, the white people of Colombia tend to discriminate races and the white ace tend to be on top of the economic order, but still there has been a great open mind about the racial decimation in our country.
Use of birth control
Sterilization - 97 percent involving women - has become Colombia's second most popular method of family planning after the pill, with Profamilia carrying out 355,000 over the past 14 years and 53,000 in 1983 alone. ''Thirty percent of women request sterilization against 40 percent preferring the pill,'' Mr. Trias said. ''If we reduced our surgery program, we would stimulate an epidemic of illegal abortions.''
Already 200,000 to 250,000 illegal abortions are thought to take place here each year. ''Perhaps 15 or 20 percent are carried out under proper conditions, that is, in private clinics that charge $150 a time,'' Mr. Trias said. ''The rest are in the hands of dangerous back-street quacks.''
The Colombian Government recently passed a law which guarantees access to free contraceptives, including surgical procedures such as vasectomy and tubal ligation. The law was proposed several years ago, but received the push into legislation from new President Juan Manuel Santos.
Under the constitution, Colombian citizens have access to universal health care which has incidentally driven up government costs—especially for maternity and newborn health care. The new law encourages Colombians to access free contraceptives in an effort to contain costs and expand the sexual and reproductive rights of men and women.

There is a big movement in the Colombian country, about the methods of contraceptives in the country, this has bring down the unexpected pregnancy’s, this helps the governments economy generating less poverty and helping to balance the orphans levels.
Average level of education
Higher education is considered necessary to achieve professional goals and to contribute to the progress and prosperity of the country. However, the university system reinforces social stratification. Higher education is coveted by all, but only the middle and upper classes can afford to attend a university.
Investing in education and youth now can define the future of a nation. In Colombia, young people represent almost 30% of the working age population – a huge potential and opportunity for the country’s development.And as around 17% of young Colombians are unemployed, according to official statistics, quality education and training in skills that potential employers seek seems crucial.The government has set a goal: by 2014, half of the young Colombians should continue their studies or training after high school. In 2010, only 37.2% did so.Until then, although coverage has increased over the years, there are quite a few hurdles to overcome.Moreover, the options that young people have are diverse: they can choose between technical training or a private or public university path, the study points out. The government aims at increasing the percentage of students who take the technical path to 45%.However, 45.4% of students had dropped out of tertiary education in 2010. And 39% of young Colombians never continued studying after secondary school.
In terms of education it can be seen that the young people living in Colombia do have various choices, and are able to have in their hands their future by deciding which way to take. This is very positive to our organization, because educated people will generate more income and more expendable income.
Government regulation
The training shall be documented and maintained as described in section (4)(B) of this rule. (B) The provider and assistant(s) in a family child care home licensed prior to the effective date of this rule shall complete the safe sleep training described in section (5) of this rule within three (3) months of the effective date of this rule. (C) The provider and assistant(s) in a family child care home licensed after the effective date of this rule shall complete the safe sleep training described in section (5) of this rule prior to licensure. (D) The provider and any assistant hired or volunteering at the facility after initial licensure shall complete the safe sleep training described in section (5) of this rule within thirty (30) days of employment or volunteering at the facility.
A child under twelve (12) months of age shall be placed on his/her back to sleep. B. An infant’s head and face shall remain uncovered during sleep. C. Infants unable to roll from their stomachs to their backs and from their backs to their stomachs shall be placed on their backs when found face down. When infants can easily turn from their stomachs to their backs and from their backs to their stomachs, they shall be initially placed on their backs, but shall be allowed to adopt whatever positions they prefer for sleep. D. An infant shall not be overdressed when sleeping, to avoid overheating. Infants should be dressed appropriately for the environment, with no more than one (1) layer more than an adult would wear to be comfortable in that environment. E. When, in the opinion of the infant's licensed health care provider, an infant requires alternative sleep positions or special sleeping arrangements that differ from those set forth in this rule, the provider shall have on file at the facility written instructions, signed by the infant's licensed health care provider, detailing the alternative sleep positions or special sleeping arrangements for such infant. The caregiver(s) shall put the infant to sleep in accordance with such written instructions. [Unless a written exception from a child’s physician is on file at the facility, a child under twelve (12) months of age shall be placed on his/her back to sleep. An infant’s head shall remain uncovered during sleep.] F. Pacifiers, if used, shall not be hung around the infant’s neck. Pacifier mechanisms or pacifiers that attach to infant clothing shall not be used with sleeping infants. G. After awakening, an infant may remain in the crib as long as s/he is content, but never for periods longer than thirty (30) minutes. H. Toddlers shall be taken out of bed for other activities when they awaken; [4.] 5. Individual attention and play with adults, including holding, cuddling, talking, and singing; [5.] 6. Opportunities for sensory stimulation which includes visual stimulation through pictures, books, toys, nonverbal communication, games, and the like; auditory stimulation through verbal communication, music, toys, games, and the like; and tactile stimulation through surfaces, fabrics, toys, games, and the like; [6.] 7. Encouragement in the development of motor skills by providing opportunities for supervised “tummy time”, reaching, grasping, pulling up, creeping, crawling, and walking; and [7.] 8. Opportunity for outdoor play when weather permits.
In here are the global regulations about how a child must be taking care of. This would provide us an exact way in how we will exceed our service.
Attitudes toward retirement:
There are many retirement plans in Colombia, managed by Colpensiones in case of: disability, oldness, death and funeral aid.
The requirements to accomplish the retirement plans are to have the appropriate age, and the period of contributions, these factors could change due to the applicable norm.
Types of pensions:
Old page pension: To have the appropriate age since January of 2014 the age increased to 57 years to women and 62 years for men. Have contributed a minimum of 1.300 weeks in any time (since 2015).
Inability pension: A person is considered as “disable” if for a non- intentional cause he lost his working capacity in a 50% or more.
Survivor pension: The ones that can take advantage of this pension are the members of the family group of the person that dies, only if this person contributed a minimum of 25 weeks in the last 3 years after his death.
Compensation in lieu: The members that having fulfilled the age to obtain the Old age pension have not quoted the minimum of demanded weeks, and declare his inability to continue quoting, have the right to receive, in substitution, a Substitute Indemnification.
Funeral Aid: It is a benefit that is recognized to the ones who should verify to have supported the funereal expenses of a member or pensioned, which will have right to perceive the equivalent as an aid to the last salary base of price, or the value corresponding to the last stipend pensional received, as should be the case, without this one could be lower than five (5) Monthly Legal In force Minimum wages, not even Superior to ten (10) times the above mentioned salary.
This could make an impact in our organization, because the elderly could be our potential market, because in the future we could also offer a service similar to babysitting , but focused on taking care of the elderly.
Attitudes toward leisure time:
Ciclovía: Each Sunday and public holiday from 7 am until 2 pm certain main streets of Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, and other municipalities are blocked off to cars for runners, skaters, and bicyclists. At the same time, stages are set up in city parks. Bogotá's weekly ciclovías are used by approximately 2 million people (about 30% of the population) on over 120 km of car-free streets. The inspiration for Ciclovía is credited to Bogotá, Colombia. In Colombia there are also activities for the elderly, inclusive recreation and recreation for the kids such as the toy libraries (ludoteca), and activities such as the “magic world” that it oriented for the low income children in order to realize their right to play. There are other activities such as the marathons, festivals, theatre and carnivals.
This could make an impact in our organization because as a babysitting agency we could bring information to moms that don’t have time to search for leisure activities for their children.
Attitudes toward product quality
Colombian products most be certified by the ICONTEC organization with this certification the company demonstrates that their products fulfill with one reference (Technical Colombian, foreign or international Norm), under effective and reliable systems of manufacture and control of the conformity. One of the best Colombian product are the Colombian crafts, that embrace a legacy that not only transmit culture, but also taken shape as an export recognized through the world, they are handcrafted so they keep the same quality in all of their designs and the best materials originated from Colombia, another Colombian product that is famous for their quality is the Colombian coffee.
This could make an impact in our organization because we are going to be a regional organization and some products that our staff (babysitters and house maids) could use are going to be Colombian products.
Attitudes toward customer service
Although there are plenty of trainings for customer service, Colombians keep bothering about the service in Colombia, especially from telecommunication companies, because they aren’t giving the appropriate assistance to their customers.
This make a huge impact in our organization, because we are focusing on the customer service and we want that our customers have the best experience, by giving them the properly support and the service that they deserve, in order to make them feel secure by living their houses with us, an the most important: their children.
Pollution Control
One of the measures of the government to the pollution control is the no car day. “MINAMBIENTE” is in charge of the administration of all the natural sources in Colombia and he sustainable utilization of the natural renewable resources and of the environment. Aware of the problem and the impact that generates the air pollution, in the last years the country has established measures to normative, institutional and operative level that they have got improved and updated to the point of possessing clear tools to confront the situation of the quality of the air. These tools include elements for the control of the atmospheric emission and of noise generated by fixed and mobile sources and it improves in the quality of the fuels.
This could make an impact in our organization because we need to take in to account all the external factors, an the pollution control is one of them.
Attitudes toward foreign people
Due to the rise of the dollar, tourism in Colombia has increased, in agreement to the Report of Tourism of the Department of Trade, Industry and Tourism, in the first two-month period of 2015 Colombia received some more 12,1 % of tourists arrivals. The report identified that 90,8 % of the travelers concerned to countries with which Colombia has commercial agreements. In 2015 Forbes magazine puts Colombia at six place of the most important places to visit. In December of 2015 most of the countries that entered to Colombia where United States (25,4%), Venezuela (11%) and Ecuador 6,8 %. And the main destinies are United States (38,3%), Panama (11,1%) and Mexico (10,1%). According to 2015 the number of foreign countries where Colombians live are: United Kingdom 38,7% and Chile 28,1% followed by United States and Ecuador. The arrival of Colombian residents increased 14,3% in the month and 15,4% in the year.
This could make an impact in our organization because we could offer the service to foreign people living in Colombia and this help us to be aware of how to treat them and give them the best service.
Number of Churches- Numer of church members
According to DIAN, there are approximately 7.000 churches in Colombia, churches do not pay imposed on the revenue in Colombia, but they pay IVA in the presentation of services or sale of goods. The most represented religions according to DANE in Colombia are: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism.
This is part of the external factors, and could make impact in our organization, because in dispite of we dont make any exception of customers, we need to know each of our customers to give them the service they want, and the religion take an important factor in their customs and the food they eat.
Energy conservation
In 2015 Colombia counts with a production of 15 500 MW (Megawatts) and its estimate that for 2019 would increase to 18 000 MW. 70 % of the generation of electric power in Colombia is done from the water, across hydroelectric,29 % of the production, is generated thanks to the natural gas by means of the thermoelectric plants and 1 remaining % from other sources (coal, wind power, etc.)
Colombia counts with 23 hydroelectric power stations. According to the Commission of Regulation of Energy and Gas (CREG), 77 % of the generation of electric power of the country in the normal years comes from hydraulic plants and the rest of thermal plants that use fossil fuels as the coal and the gas. In other words, the light of the majority of the Colombian homes comes from the forests.
Thanks to his natural resources, Colombia obtains the majority of his electric power of the water.
The pollution control make an impact in our organization as we need electricity to work, because we are an online application.
Social programs
There are many programs in Colombia to fight against the poverty one of them are: “ De cero a siempre”, “Jovenes en acción”, “mujeres ahorradoras” and “Colombia Mayor. Other measures that the government takes against the poverty are the submission of 100 free thousand urban houses, 100 rural houses and 100 subsidized for the ones who gain minimum wage, across the Plan of Impulse to the Productivity and the Employment (PIPE), they will also generate 350 thousand jobs. They also provide free education to 8,6 million Colombians.
With this social programs of the government nowadays Colombia has more than 6 million of families connected to the internet, the Government has indemnified 160 thousand victims of the armed conflict, Unification rate health, with the same benefits for the subsidized one and the contributing one.
The social programs could make an impact in our organization because we also want our workers to live in the best conditions and we are also contributing to generate jobs in the country, for those honest women who love children or house keeping.
Social Responsibility
It is important to develop a social responsibility company in every industry to protect the community, the employees and the shareholders of the organization gaining in this way benefits for all the parts involved. In Colombia there are many projects that seek to attend the areas with most social impact such as the education, healt, professional formation and the environment. Every time they are more companies that work of the hand to attend to the problematics that encloses the poverty, as the lack of opportunities to access to the education; other companies focus in attending directly to these situations, strengthening the promotion of the education and the technological formation.
As an organization, we also have a social responsability that encloses to generate Jobs for all kinds of honest women that could be interested in offer their services to each of the families we serve.
Atttitudes toward careers
The most requested careers in Colombia according to 2015 were: Engineering of Oils, Geology, Electromechanical Engineering, Medicine, Engineering of Mines, Administrative Engineering, Drugstore, Statistics, Finance and International Relations and Electrical Engineering. The highest paid careers according to MINEDUC are: Geology, Medicine and Electromechanical engineering. And the most requested by the companies are: business administration, marketing and systems engineering.
As an external factor this could affect our organization because if there is a lack of careers oriented to service we wouldnt have professional personal.

Attitudes toward authority
According to the World Values Survey, conducted in 100 countries, 70 percent of Colombians do not trust civil servants and 80 percent believe that there should be more respect for authority. And when there is no trust or credibility in the rules, they do not comply neither obeyed. Justice is one of the most serious problems. The most recent Gallup poll revealed that 75 percent of respondents have a bad image of this institution in any developed country, it is the backbone of the peaceful coexistence and the symbol of the rule of law works. This is why the population has being taken the justice by their own hands, thousands of robber have been hitten by the people, where the authority every time makes a call to the people.
The Colombians are tired of the criminals and they started to take the control of the country by their own hands.
Population changes by cit y, county, state, region and country.

This are the population of Colombia by departments, its has been counted by 100 people. This information it’s essential for our company from this point we can know what are the most populated region in Colombia, and we can show our service.
Value placed on leisure time
In home entertainment grows: mostly of the people now a day’s prefer to have time in their homes, to invest a lot of money in home entertainment, and to be busy in whatever they want.
Shifting to technology: it is the technology of what the families are bringing to their homes to be busier at home.
Changes to socialization: it helps people to be in constant communication and to create their own social group and hang out in their free times.
Grow of experiences: people spend a lot of their time doing different things to increase their experiences.
This help to our company to know which parents still wanted to do different things or that need help when they don’t have time to play with their kids, here is where our service enter in their life situation to make it easier.
Regional changes in tastes preferences.
It notes that there is a clear tendency to resume the personal attention and direct debit. While consumers have more education and know more about categories and items, they also begin to appreciate the products 'homemade' and to purchase luxury goods, which in the expert opinion "ceased to be a sin or crime."
David Fiss, commercial director of Kantar Worldpanel in Colombia, adding that effective communication will also have an increasingly important role in the decisions of buyers, as well as product launches and innovations that come to the real need of buyers, understanding the differences between strata and regions.
"Although we do not see a great change in the traditional trade, but surely develop a strong change in the way of buying people looking increasingly channels proximity, such as convenience stores and independent chains," he said..
This help us to understand the Colombian consume, the preference and what the population invest, clear it help us to know if our service is important to the customers preferences.
Number of women and minority workers.
The overall participation rate for men stood at 76.5% compared to that of women was 55.8%. Meanwhile, the employment rate of men was 72.0% and 49.7% of women. The main occupational position for men was self-employed with 44.2%, as well as for women was 40.3%.For the national total, labor market outcomes by sex for the quarter October-December 2015 showed that the unemployment rate for men stood at 5.9% and women 10.8% from the same period last year previous. This shows that women stay the same of the number of employment and unemployment from the previous years, it mean than the 40.3 % of the women still have their own job.
This help us top know if main women need our service, the employee women have not time to clean their home or their home necessities, we can do that job for them.
El Ministro de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio, Luis Felipe Henao Cardona, fue el encargado de inaugurar el 3er Congreso de Reciclaje, el cual lidera la Asociación Nacional de Empresarios en Colombia, ANDI. Frente a más de 200 empresarios el alto funcionario dijo que se han realizado inversiones que superan los $60.000 millones con los cuales se han apoyado a más de 160 municipios en Colombia desde el año 2010.
Affirmative action aimed at recycling population of its own motion and the parameters for the compensation of any use or activity aimed at achieving levels of competition on equal terms are strengthened. In addition, to make obligatory to recyclers census office and studies the feasibility of harvesting activity in the municipality.
Currently there are over 60 regional schemes that benefit 765 municipalities, economies of scale are generated and advance in better management of waste as we evolve from a very important way.
Colombia is the leader of the Latin America countries in the use of the recycling to be innovative in this topic all of the regions have being using these method to decrease the pollution.
Waste management
The Ministry hopes to achieve strengthening of professionals who perform the management, control and supervision over the management of hazardous waste in the country
the commitment in the "Plan of Action of the Hazardous Waste Policy", is organizing training workshops and discussion for environmental authorities, in which topics such as work: Management of waste generated in health care, PCB waste , waste electrical and electronic equipment - WEEE
"We are generating strategies that allow us to open spaces to meet regional and national experiences, and projects that are being developed in this area. This time, we also want to socialize the proposed Plan of Action 2015-2018 Hazardous Waste Policy and the idea of this workshop is that we remove some general guidelines for the work on toxic waste throughout the country. "
This help us to conscious in the food or the water services or ligth, we should use the property water and food to avoid the wasting of products at home, this is important to us to educate our stuff members to help the people economy and to help them to safe money and food.
Air pollution
Overall Colombian legislation on air quality and emissions has been raised in terms of the protection of human health and the environment, developed through a gradual process involving technical, technological and economic capacity of a society since these factors should be part of the technical building regulations. In addition to the regulatory and policy development, the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development is working on several fronts in the development of coordinated, efficient and equitable strategies to prevent and control air pollution in the country.
Minambiente established with Resolution 610 of 2010 the maximum permissible levels of the following criteria pollutants: Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), tropospheric ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide carbon (CO) and non-conventional pollutants allowable maximum levels for six (6) with carcinogenic effects.
This is why Colombia has banned many cars, for example, the Toyota land cruiser 200 has be banned because their engine produce a lot of carbon dioxide and the minister don’t allow the entrance of these kind of trucks.
It is important to our company to know the way that Colombia is recycling to teach it to our employees to put the different materials in each other garbage and separate it, so, we can contribute to help and develop the recycling method in all the homes.
Water pollution
The water pollution is Colombia is affected by the legal and illegal mining the use of mercury and waste of water have created a water waste.
In compliance with the Government's goal of reducing by 10% the use of mercury in mining processes and, as a requirement in the process of accession to the OECD, was held the National Nanotechnology Forum, Environment and Health.
This help to our company to know in which region can we use drinking water and its safe to consume it, and also to avoid all kind of problems that the water pollution brings to us.
Ozone depletion
The recovery of the ozone layer is a given that an increase in ultraviolet radiation could affect ecosystems challenge, crop production and livelihoods of the vital marine life to fishing, which has a large impact on food security.
The director of Urban and Environmental Affairs Sector (DASU) of the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, Francisco José Gómez, confirmed that "currently has reduced or eliminated the use of these substances in 98%, which arguably makes this protocol one of the most successful international treaties in the world”
"Now we are on the order of 98 projects, more than 32.7 million dollars invested and what has been done is in the cooling system, all companies producing refrigerators in the country have been converted and no longer use depleting substances ozone layer, "said Francisco José Gómez
Colombia and all the world have banned those products that affect the ozone depletion, Colombia has been working hard to decrease all of the products and also to manage the climate change.
Endangered species
In Colombia 1,203 species are threatened in various categories of threat, considering the criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN, of which 173 are critically endangered, 390 endangered and 640 vulnerable species category . They correspond to 407 species of animals and 796 species of plants.
Among the main threats is, illegal trafficking, introduction of exotic species, expansion of the agricultural frontier, transformation and fragmentation of habitats, and climate change.
The Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development has programs and projects for the conservation and recovery of threatened species in the country, together with other environmental authorities as regional autonomous corporations, research institutes and experts.